Our Earth Elemental Oil is a powerful blend that helps you tap into the abundant energy of the earth. It is powerfully grounding and great for use in rituals pertaining to money, employment, financial opportunities, wealth, abundance, security, and prosperity. Also great for stimulating inner wisdom, personal growth, strong foundations, fertility, and stability.
The element of earth is associated with the astrological signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Earth Elemental Oil can be used to enhance the qualities of the earth signs such as sensuality, stability, practicality, tenacity, and productivity. It's also great for the Air signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius to use to help ground and center them. Earth Elemental Oil can be used by anyone seeking abundance, growth, sensuality, discipline, stability, endurance, or simply wanting to feel a deeper connection to the earth. Earth Elemental Oil comes in a ½ oz. glass bottle.
How to use Earth Elemental Oil:
Earth Elemental Oil can be anointed on sacred objects or talismans or used as a wash for furniture and doors. One of my favorite methods of using Earth Elemental Oil is to simply mix some with sea salt. Place this mixture in a bowl and set anywhere in the home or office where abundance or stability is needed. You can also carry a bit with you in a charm bag to help keep you grounded and focused. When working candle spells or rituals, green and brown are the colors most often associated with the element of earth.
Sold as a Curio. This product is intended to be used for spiritual purposes. This product is not a cosmetic. For external use only. All AmaraBee products are handmade daily in the USA.