Cinnamon can be used for protection, luck, love, renewal, prosperity, spiritual awareness, and aiding intuition. On top of that, cinnamon can be added to any spell to help it act more quickly or to simply give it a little extra boost.
Thoughts of cinnamon invoke feelings of warmth. As it is associated with the fire element, it makes a wonderful herb to utilize in protection spells for you and your home.
If you’re looking for a way to shield your home from negativity, tie cinnamon sticks together and hang them above your door. You can also lay cinnamon sticks across your windowsills to cover other thresholds.
Just like with the traditional sage, burning cinnamon incense and spreading the smoke around an area can dispel negativity and help keep the space protected.
Place cinnamon sticks in a pot of water along with other protective herbs like rosemary, clove, and sage. Boil the herbs for a few minutes and once the water has cooled, strain the herbs from it and put it in a spray bottle. Use this spray around doors and windows as a protective barrier.
Carry cinnamon with you to help protect you from spiritual attacks. You can carry whole cinnamon sticks in your purse or add powdered cinnamon to a protection satchel to keep with you.
It is quite effective in spicing things up in your love life, injecting strong passion into any relationship.
If you’re looking to heat things up with your significant other, burn some cinnamon incense in the bedroom. Tucking cinnamon sticks beneath your pillows can also assist in boosting romance.
Use cinnamon essential oil on yourself boosts natural sexual attraction.
When creating a love spell, adding a bit of cinnamon to the mix will speed up the process. Combined with the softer elements of love such as jasmine, rose, and vanilla, cinnamon will bring a balance to your love spell between romance and passion.
Cinnamon is commonly associated with drawing money and opportunities to you. It’s a good idea to incorporate cinnamon into situations where you’re in need of financial aid in a timely manner.
Just like with any spell, the addition of cinnamon calls for quick action, speeding up the outcome you are searching for.
Place a cinnamon stick in your wallet to invite money to find you.
Burn cinnamon incense in your place of work, or even in your home, with the intent that it will invite financial gains into your life.
If you are creating a money satchet to carry around with you, combine cinnamon with other prosperity herbs like basil, ginger, and nutmeg. Not only will the cinnamon add to the call for prosperity, but give the spell an extra kick to get the job done.
With its properties of quick and effective action, as well as giving your intentions a boost, this herb is a must have in every witch’s cupboard.