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Basic House Clearing Spell

House Clearing
Negative energy can often linger in a dwelling causing all kinds of problems, from fatigue to electrical issues. If you’ve just moved into a new home, or if your home has a heavy feel to it, it’s a good idea to spiritually cleanse all unwanted influences. In all honesty, it’s a good idea to do this frequently in your home, whether you sense negative energy or not.
The process is quite simple, but don't let that fool you....energetic cleansing is a powerful and effective tool on the energetic health of your space.
To begin you will want to clean your home physically, removing as much clutter as possible, especially in the corners. Sweep or vacuum the floors, removing all dust and dirt. By the way, this is a very important step, so don't skip it!
You will need:
– one white tea light candle for each room in the house – plus one for each entrance to your house
– Sage, Sandalwood, or Palo Santo
– a chalice of water
– sea salt
Prepare a chalice of warm water and dissolve some sea salt in it.
Take a shower or bath, but before you begin washing, hold the chalice of salt water in your hands, and “charge” it with your intention. Visualize yourself being purified of all negative energies and entities while you pour the salt water over yourself, from head to foot. Then continue with your shower like usual. After drying off, visualize yourself surrounded by white-light.
Charge each candle with your intention and set one in each room of the house, and one at each entrance to the house. Light your smudge of choice and, begining at the main entrance of your home, walk through your entire house being sure to blow or wave the smudge smoke into corners and closets, behind doors, anywhere negativity can gather.
As you smudge, you might chant something like:
“Negative energy may not stay, I release it and send it on its way. Negative energy, I banish thee, And as my word, so shall it be!”
I like to use something a little more simple: "All negativity must leave. Only positive energy shall remain."
Say this with confidence and power in your voice. Continue to smudge every possible area of your home until you end up, once again, at the entrance of your home - having made a big circle. At this point, I open the doors and windows allowing fresh air into the home and a "way-out" for anything negative. I then light the candles (be sure they’re not near anything flammable!) and let them burn all the way down.
I complete this ritual once a month and it keeps my home warm, calm and cozy feeling.
You can also place dishes (or make sachets to hang) of protective herbs and salts around your house. Lavender flowers, fennel seeds, and basil in sea salt work well at keeping negativity away.

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