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The Many Uses of Slippery Elm

Health Benefits Of Slippery Elm
Slippery Elm provides many benefits to your health. Some of these include its ability to reduce inflammation, soothe indigestion, heal the skin, eliminate infections, reduce blood pressure, increase blood flow, boost eye health, protect against ulcers, detoxify the body, assisting in oral health, and to improve respiratory health.
Slippery Elm
Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) and is native to North America’s east coast. It belongs to the Ulmus family and is also known by a number of other common names, including red elm, gray elm, and Indian elm. In the United States, it is widely cultivated in order to harvest its bark, which can be ground into a pulp or dried and used as a powder. Traditionally, this tree was used for a number of medicinal purposes by Native Americans, and some traditional herbalists and alternative practitioners still rely on slippery elm for a wide array of health issues. Although scientific research is limited on some of these claims, traditional records indicate that it may in fact be very beneficial for overall health.
Slippery Elm is considered a mucilaginous herb, which simply means it creates a slippery gel-likes substance when it is ground or mashed into a pulp. This mix is what is used in traditional medicine. The mashed bark can also be dried and added to drinks as a powder. It is also possible to ingest it through supplements and/or capsules and benefit from the powerful nutrients and organic compounds.
Benefits Of Slippery Elm
Digestive Health: One of the primary uses for slippery elm is as a digestive aid. The mucilage found in the bark of slippery elm is ideal for soothing the digestive tract and eliminating inflammation, primarily the type that causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). There is also a significant amount of fibrous matter found in the bark, which can help to bulk up stool and eliminate issues like diarrhea. At the end of the day, Slippery Elm can be considered a full-service gastrointestinal cleaner, and has been used as such for thousands of years.
Anti-inflammatory: Slippery elm has traditionally been used to soothe sore throats, as the anti-inflammatory compounds of this herb can significantly reduce irritation in the tissues of the throat. Creating a pulp is the best approach for this remedy, but drinking a powdered mixture will also do the trick, and this fast-acting treatment will have your sore throat coated and protected in no time.
Circulation: There are many other nutrients found in slippery elm, including iron, which is crucial for the production of red blood cells. This can increase circulation, and thereby boost the oxygenation of the body. More importantly, when combined with potassium, which is also naturally present in the bark, you are able to fully optimize the cardiovascular system and relieve strain.
Healing Properties: The rapid healing properties of slippery elm have made it a popular tool for those suffering from injuries, burns, and abrasions. Salves and balms have long been made from slippery elm bark in order to speed the healing process. It is packed with nutrients and minerals, as well as antioxidant compounds, that can quickly induce healing.
Skin Health: If you have suffered from burns, have noticeable scars, or generally poor skin health, slippery elm can be a wonderful remedy. The antioxidants and unique nutrient mixture of this herbal salve can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, eliminate free radicals from the upper skin layers, and even heal age spots to promote a youthful look to the skin. Further, just as it does for wounds, it can help protect the skin from infections of various types, acting as a first line of defense for the body.
Gastric Ulcers: One of the benefits of slippery elm is that it is high in certain acids and coats the lining of the intestines; this means that for gastrointestinal issues like ulcers can be remedied easily by regularly consuming slippery elm tonics.
Detoxify the Body: There is also evidence that suggests slippery elm can be used as a diuretic, thereby increasing the excretion of toxins, excess salts, and water from the body via urination. This can boost kidney health and improve the overall functioning of the metabolism.
Anti-inflammatory Properties: The most valuable and diverse effects of slippery elm relate to its anti-inflammatory abilities, particularly for heartburn and hemorrhoids. The strong effect of slippery elm in treating or lessening the severity of these conditions is well documented and widely relied on in alternative medicine circles.
Pain Relief: When the balm or salve of slippery elm is applied to a pulled muscle, bruise, or other painful area of the body, relief is rapid and effective. The analgesic components of slippery elm can quickly soothe pain when used topically.
Oral Health: Another popular traditional use of slippery elm was a salve for oral health. If you feel a tooth infection coming on, or have pain in your gums, you can apply some slippery elm to the cap of the tooth and the surrounding gums to prevent infection and relieve pain through the anti-inflammatory properties of the herb.
Warning: Slippery Elm can be a bit intense for people with sensitive skin, so when first applying a salve or balm, try a small patch test to gauge your skin's response. Any reactions you may have are typically mild, but you should discontinue use if you experience irritation, itchiness, or redness. Also, slippery elm is not recommended for pregnant women, as it has traditionally been known to cause premature labor. Use of slippery elm (bark, unpowdered) is banned/restricted by some countries such as UK so consult your local health specialist before use.

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