Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Strong healing power, Protection, Psychic work, Success, Wishes, Love, Creativity
You can increase the effectiveness of your healing skills by wearing a necklace made from bay leaves while you work. Protection include burning the leaves to drive out negative energy and using the fresh leaves to sprinkle blessed waters. Put the leaves in your pillowcase when you sleep to encourage a psychic boost. To increase your chances of succeeding in any endeavor, simply wear or carry the leaves.
Write your wishes down on a bay leaf and then burn it. Make a conscious effort to focus your desires, hopes, and dreams into the bay leaf you’re holding. Visualize yourself already possessing what it is you’re asking for.
Put a bay leaf in your wallet or purse, placing it in with your cash and credit cards to bring financial success. Keeping Bay leaves in a wallet or purse at all times ensures material wealth and good fortune to flow toward you.
Ancient Greek winners were crowned with wreaths of laurel, the primary component of which was the Bay laurel (Laurus nobilis, Lauraceae), a relative of the bay leaf. One of the most popular herbs, it goes by a variety of names including Sweet Bay and Sweet Laurel. The Greek deity Apollo, patron of prophecy, medicine, and poetry, is said to be responsible for its origins. Daphne, the nymph Apollo loved so much that legend has it she transformed into a bay tree to avoid him.
Bay leaf, when burned, can be used to rid oneself and one’s surroundings of any toxic or unwelcome energy. When used in conjunction with sage, bay leaf aids in the cleansing, protection, and clearing of a sacred area.
This is supplied in a 4 x 5 inch clear grip seal, labeled bag to retain its freshness and potency. Due to all the herbs/barks/flowers having different weights the quantity in each bag is approximately 1/2 Cups of dried herb.
All the herbs, resins, barks and flowers we sell at AmaraBee are of high quality and carefully selected ourselves from reputable Pagan, Witchcraft and herbal suppliers or grown ourselves at Flanary Herbal Gardens.