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Sacred Spaces ~ Beginning your Journey

Have you ever felt drawn to discover an ancient temple or an old church? Places that ordinarily you might dismiss at home seem to glow with appeal. These beautiful and sacred spaces invoke a sense of grounded calm as we enter their domain and sensing their sovereignty, our everyday stress becomes reduced to hushed tones. Encouraged by the peace inside, we might even feel inspired to spend a few moments in quiet contemplation if the space feels truly safe. Yet as soon as we are home, most of us throw ourselves right back into the arena to battle our daily routine without giving ourselves this restorative time out for peaceful contemplation. For many of us the couch or bed at the end of the day becomes our only resting place and as such we are missing out on an essential part of our own self-care that our inner spirit needs in order to shine. Sacred space can be easily created in your home or workplace for daily reflection, connection and renewal and it doesn't need to be a whole room dedicated to a spiritual practice.
Why do we need Sacred Space?
A sacred space is a place in which you can retreat, rest, reflect on life and realign with your feelings and true sense of self. I go to my sacred space to connect with my energy and seek guidance for the challenges that I face. I like to use my sacred space for meditation, ritual, journaling, shamanic journeying to meet my guides, divination, reading, listening to music or yoga, as well as most of my spell work. It's become an important space for me to find balance when life tries to throw me off course and a firm anchor from which I can nourish my growth, which can sometimes get side-lined. By allocating an area in your home as a sacred space, you create for yourself a place for quiet reflection, like a center point that is separate from all of the business of your normal day. Here in your sacred space you can honor whatever you like. If you have a garden, then you may choose to create an external sacred space to catch the morning or evening sun to help you connect and tune in to the natural world that surround you.
What Does Sacred Space Mean to You?
We tend to associate symbols of religious worship like cathedrals or temples with sacred space but by asking yourself what is truly sacred for you, you can create a space that will lift your spirits and be a powerful container to provide daily inspiration and sanctuary. For most people, creating a sacred space means setting aside a small space in their living room, bedroom or study. Don't fill your space with symbols, signs, candles, crystals or religious icons if they don't mean much to you. Seek out the beautiful objects, which are in your favorite colors or styles and words and images that inspire you. My passion is the natural world and I feel a strong connection in nature so I have a sacred place on a cafe table in the center of my garden. Due to the nature of our location, I also have an altar in my home for when the weather mandates I spend time indoors
Creating a Sacred Space Energetically
A physical space, set aside for ceremony or contemplation helps anchor your focus, energies and attention when you are beginning your spiritual practice. However, a sacred space is not dependent on the confines of physical space, a simple way to create a sacred space energetically is to visualize a big ball of light encompassing you and the space that surrounds you. This can work really well in the work environment or in public places. You may also want to hold your arm out and draw a circle in the air or walk round in a circle to set the boundary. The focus and visualization involved in creating a space in this way creates a powerful energetic container that will energize whatever takes place within the space.
Cleansing your Space
Before you use your space it is a good idea to clear away any unwanted energies that may have built up. Make sure you keep your space physically clean, tidy and fresh so that you are not encouraging energy to stagnate and hold you back. Hold the intention to clear your space of negative and stagnant energy that is no longer needed. Try some of the following and see what works for you:
· Light a candle (to bring in the light and banish darkness)
· Burn incense, or other traditional cleansing herbs
· Play a drum loudly, clap your hands, ring a bell or play loud music
· Open windows
· Use essential oils, in a spray or a diffuser. I love to use lavender to encourage relaxation or rosemary, which acts as a spiritual protector and promotes clarity
· Visualize bright light filling your space, taking away shadows and protecting you
· If you already work with spirit guides, ancestors or other protectors, or are open to the possibility of connecting with them, then invite them into your space to cleanse negative energies and protect you.
Create a centerpiece
Within your sacred space you may also wish to create a special centerpiece or altar, where you can place objects that have special meaning for you. Think of it like a focal point that can carry a specific theme depending on what you are going through or hoping to manifest. You may like to use a windowsill, a small table, an area on your desk, a chair or even a tray that you can carry around and move from place to place. My centerpieces are always themed around nature to bring in the energy of the elements. I like to use flowers, leaves, plants, seeds, feathers, crystals, rocks, charged water, aromatherapy oils or candles and it changes depending on the seasons. You may also like to place images of loved ones, or display an tarot card from your favorite deck or an inspirational quote. Start with the basics and then you will find you naturally add elements and adjust your space to suit your style. As with anything in a spiritual practice, an altar is completely optional. Always do what feels right to YOU! The energy that fills a scared space is created by you and comes from you. If it doesn’t resonate or ‘feel’ right, the energy in your space will not be doing you much good.
#altar #sacred #space

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